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Trustee minutes

Trustee minutes for: 29-11-1937.

Annual Meeting of Trustees held in the Council Schoolroom on Monday, November 29th, 1937.

Present : Messrs Tucker, Carne, Mitchell, Doney, Bennett, Hawke, Hall, Cowling, Hambly, Lang, Philipps and Skentlebery.
Mr Tucker was elected chairman.
1. That the minutes of the last annual meeting be confirmed.
2. That the financial statement be adopted.
3. That Mr Carne be treasurer and Mr Skentlebery secretary for the ensuing year.
4. That Mr Doney serve on the working committee in place of Mr Lampey-deceased.
5. That Mr Caleb Salt be a trustee as successor to Mr Lampey.
6. That one of the trustees assist the secretary in taking minutes.
7. That Mr Watkins resignation be accepted.
8. That Mr Shadwell Pengelly be appointed sexton in succession to Mr Watkins.
9. That Mr Pengelly be asked to meet the working committee at the cemetery on Friday, December 3rd at three o'clock in the afternoon.
10. That the sexton be authorised to remove all flowers from graves after the lapse of 14 days.
11. That Mr Watkins be paid £1-5-0 for cutting the grass.


Trustee Minute

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