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Trustee minutes

Trustee minutes for: 18-11-1943.

Annual Meeting of trustees, November 18, 1943.

Present : Messrs J. Mitchell, A. J. Philipps, S. Whiting, RJ Cowling, C. Crowle, T. Doney, W. Bennett, C. Salt, H. Keast and L. Skentlebery.
Mr Phillips was voted to the chair.
The minutes of the last annual meeting were read and signed.
It was then resolved that the following charges be approved,
sexton's fee for single grave 17/6
ditto double £1-1-0.
Freehold grave for parishioner £1-5-0.
Ditto for non-parishioner £1-15-0.
The burial fee of 12/6 remains unaltered.
The secretary then explained the new arrangements made with the War Graves Commission. In future, it was agreed to pay all fees to the sexton through our own treasurer, to whom the commission would forward the amounts due. In this way, the commissioners will have a better guarantee that the work will be more satisfactorily carried out.
The balance sheet was then read and adopted.
The working committee was re-elected as also the secretary and treasurer.
It was further resolved that new rows of graves should not be started until those already in use are adequately filled.
The state of the wire netting between the school and the cemetery was discussed and it was resolved to complain to the education committee by letter.


Trustee Minute

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