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Trustee minutes

Trustee minutes for: 1-3-1971.

The Annual Meeting of the Trustees held at Glencairn, St Cleer on Monday, March 1st, 1971.

Present : Messrs W. J. Hambly, T. Hawke, M. Doney, H. Arnold, H. Stacey, W. S. Hosken, V. Hawke, H. Cole, L. Mitchell, N. Harris, N. Harper, and the secretary.
1. The treasurer read a very satisfactory report on the financial year.
2. Proposed and seconded, the chairman, treasurer and secretary be re-elected.
3. Proposed and seconded that the secretary right to Mr W. Hooper, Liskeard and family, a letter of appreciation and thanks for their services rendered to the cemetery, enclosing £1 for flowers for Mrs Hooper's grave.
4. Proposed and seconded Mr Hooper be asked to become a trustee.
5. Proposed and seconded that Mr S. Cole, Redgate and Mr R. Jago, Redgate be asked to be trustees.
Thanks were expressed to all who had contributed to the clean state the cemetery was in.
6. Proposed and seconded that the new stakes should be 5/- each.
7. Proposed and seconded that Mr S. Hancock should be paid 2 pounds.
8. Proposed and seconded that Mr L. Mitchell should see about material for path and report to the secretary.
9. Proposed and seconded that Mr W. S. Hosken should see about to cemetery extension land.
10. Proposed and seconded that Mr M. Doney see Mr Martin re the grass seed.


Trustee Minute

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