Trustee minutes
Trustee minutes for: 15-4-1975.
The Annual Trustees meeting held in the Liberal Clubroom on Tuesday, April 15, 1975 at 730.
Present : Messrs W. Hosken, J Hosken, L. Mitchell, M. Doney, H. Stacey, N. Couch, W. T. Hawke, W. J. Hambly, and R. Hooper.
Before the meeting started the trustees stood to pay tribute to the late L. Skentlebery, who had died just three weeks ago. Mr Hambly said that Lewis and his late father had held office of secretary for the cemetery trustees for 70 years.
1. The minutes were read and the latter signed by Mr W. Hosken, who was elected chairman.
2. Arising out of the minutes, the new burial plot had not been purchased. It was move that this should be done forthwith.
3. The treasurer gave his report which showed adecrease on the balance of the former year. It was satisfactory, received and the treasurers and for the preparation of the balance sheet.
4. It was moved that the owner of the land adjoining the Cemetery be written to regarding his offer of a piece of land to extend the Burial Ground.
5. Seeing that the income to the fund had been very small over the last 12 months, it was considered that the burial fees be increased, also the sale of graves. Burial fee-proposed when ground is not purchased that the burial fee be five pounds instead of three pounds, if a memorial is desired latter another five pound be charged. Proposed that if graves or ground be bought the charge be £10 instead of five pounds. Therefore, if ground is purchased no charge for memorials, agreed.
6. Election of officers. Secretary It was proposed that Mr H. Stacey be nominated to fill this office. Mr Stacey replied and said he would like to nominate Mr W. Hambly if he was willing to serve, but he Mr Stacey would be willing to help the secretary and if the meeting agreed would serve as an assistant secretary in case the secretary wanted to be relief say for holiday, or having to be away. The meeting then voted that Mr W. Hambly be elected the new secretary to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr L. Skentlebery, and Mr H. Stacey, Assistant Secretary. Mr W. T. Hawke was re-elected treasurer. A form was then completed for the bank with the new secretary's signature. It was moved that the treasurer pay over a sum of money to the person who would be cutting the grass. That petrol be purchase for the machines, agreed. It was moved that Mr C. Hooper be asked to fill the vacancy as a trustee, also Mr L. Hawke be asked if he would become a trustee. Mr H. Stacey kindly made a donation for the hire of the room.