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Trustee minutes

Trustee minutes for: 15-3-1976.

Minutes of the Annual Trustees Meeting of the St Cleer General Cemetery held in the Liberal Club room, on March 15th, 1976.

Present : Messrs W. Hosken, J Hosken, L. Mitchell, M. Doney, H. Stacey, R. Hooper, J. W. Hambly, and secretary.
1. Mr W. Hosken was elected chairman.
2. Apologies were received from Mr V. Hawke.
3. The meeting stood in silence as a tribute to the memory of the late W. T. Hawke and H. Arnold.
4. Minutes were read of the last annual meeting, confirmed and signed.
5. Arising out of the minutes, the new burial book had been purchased and that the secretary had been in touch with the owners of the land adjoining the cemetery, and the reply was that piece offered previously for the new part of the cemetery would be dealt with in due course when development started. The two members namely, Mr C. Hooper and Mr L. Hawke had been contacted and agreed to become trustees.
6. The secretary gave the financial report which showed an increase balance on last year, this was accepted. It was agreed that payment should be done through the bank transaction.
7. Election of officers-Mr W. J. Hambly was re-elected secretary and Mr WH Stacey assistant secretary. Mr N. Couch was elected treasurer to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr W. T. Hawke.
8. It was reported that some slates were missing on the chapel roof, and that the woodwork should be painted, the secretary was asked to see to these matters.
9. The secretary said that he had been offered to pulpit from Bethel Chapel, which had been closed, this offer was without a fixed charge but if the trustees felt like giving a donation it was at their discretion. The trustees agreed to have the pulpit and the secretary be left to agree to the donation, this removal of the pulpit was going to be done by voluntary labour, Mr H. Stacey agreeing to provide transport.
10. It was agreed that small shed be erected near to the toolhouse so that grass cutting machines could be put, instead of having them in the chapel, this to be done by voluntary labour.


Trustee Minute

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