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Trustee minutes

Trustee minutes for: 22-3-1977.

Annual Trustees Meeting of the St Cleer General Cemetery held on March 22, 1977 in the Liberal room.

Present : Messrs J. Hosken, H. Stacey, L. Mitchell, V. Hawke, M. Doney, L. Hawke, Hooper, N. Couch, W. Hosken, W. J. Hambly.
1. Mr W. Hosken was elected chairman.
2. The trustees stood in silence as a tribute to the late C. Hooper.
3. The minutes of the annual meeting were read and signed, also the minutes of the meeting held on the 1st of February 1977.
4. Arising out of the minutes, the pulpit had been fixed and roof repaired and the painting done.
5. The treasurer gave the financial report which showed a profit on the year. This was adopted.
6. Election of officers - W. J. Hambly and N. Couch were re-elected, with Mr H. Stacey as secretary, and thanked for their services.
7. Nominations for new trustees. The names Mr S. Wilton, Mr A. Mitchell and Mr G. Warring were brought forward and elected us trustees.
8. Any other business, the secretary was asked to write to Mr Willcocks about his parents curb, and given three months to get it replaced or moved from the present position, which was causing inconvenience for cutting grass.
9. Mr Hooper and others were thanked for the work they had done in keeping the cemetery tidy. Mr Hooper said the machine was in need of repair and, the meeting agreed that he should get this done at the expense of the trustees and the secretary was given power to spend on repairs or replacement up to the amount of £50. It was felt the mounds on the grave should be kept at a very low level for cutting purposes.


Trustee Minute

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