Trustee minutes
Trustee minutes for: 28-3-1978.
Annual Trustees Meeting held March 28, 1978 at the Liberal Club room, St Cleer.
Present : Messrs L. Mitchell, A Mitchell, J. Hosken, W. Hosken, V. Hawke, R. Hooper, L. Hawke, S. Wilton, H. Stacey, N. Couch, W. J. Hambly.
Mr W Hosken was elected chairman.
1. Apologies were received from Mr R. Jago and Mr E. Warring.
2. Minutes of the last annual meeting were read and confirmed.
3. Arising out of the minutes, no reply had been received from Mr C. Willcocks, re his parents curb. It was moved that it be moved from its present position.
4. The treasurer gave the financial report. There had been a loss on the years working, but there was still a good balance at the bank and Post Office, the report was adopted.
5. Election of officers. The secretary, assistant secretary and treasurer were re-elected and thanked for their services.
6. Correspondence. The secretary had written to the owners of the land adjoining the cemetery regarding the piece of land verbally promised. A reply had been received saying that when planning and layout had been received, the owner would get in contact with the secretary.
7. The secretary for the matter of the Deeds of the Cemetery to the trustees saying that it is recorded in the first page of the minute book that they were in the possession of Mr F. Dawe deceased date 12-11-32. The secretary had contacted relatives of the above and they would try and find out where they were.
8. The mowers had been repaired and some of the younger trustees said that they would help with the heavy mower when the grass cutting came
The members made a contribution of 75p of the hire of the room.