Trustee minutes
Trustee minutes for: 20-3-1979.
Trustees Annual Meeting of the St Cleer General Cemetery held in the Liberal Room, March 20, 1979.
Present : Messrs L. and A Mitchell, R. Jago, S. Wilton, L. Hawke, M. Doney, H. Stacey, J Hooper, V. Hawke, N. Couch, W. J. Hambly.
1. Mr V. Hawke was elected to the chair.
2. The meeting stood in silence to the memory of the late J. Hosken, who had been a trustee.
3. Apologies work from W. Hosken and Mr E. Warring.
4. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed and signed.
5. Arising from the minutes, the curb re Willcocks grave had been removed.
6. The treasurer gave the financial report which showed a profit on years working, this being because of the £100 left by the late Mrs Cowling.
7. The treasurer was thanked for keeping the books, and re-elected. The secretaries were re-elected.
8. The trustees considered laying tarmac to the Cemetery path, the secretary said that the Parish Council was prepared to make a grant towards the cost of same. The trustees said that voluntary labour could do all the preparing and laying of the tarmac and only cost would be the material and roller for same. It was decided to lay to the extent of just beyond the chapel. The estimated cost with out Labour would be £150. It was decided to place this figure before the Parish Council for them to decide the amount of grant.
9. There were some more graves that could be levelled, members decided to see to this.
10. The grass cutting would be carried out as in previous years. Mr J. Hooper had been keeping the higher side in good state (the members donated to the hire of room £1.