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Trustee minutes

Trustee minutes for: 27-3-1980.

Annual Meeting of the St Cleer General Cemetery held in the Liberal Room on March 27, 1980.

Present : Messrs H. Stacey, L. Mitchell, R. Jago, R. Hooper, W. Hosken, W. J. Hambly (Sec) N. Couch (Treas)
1. Mr W. Hosken was elected chairman.
2. Minutes of the last annual meeting and special meeting held in September were read and signed.
3. Arising from the minutes the tarmac path had been laid and the nylon cutter had been purchased to help with the cutting around curbs and mounds of graves.
4. It was mentioned about the extra piece of path, there were persons who were prepared to help towards the cost of having this tarmaced, the secretary was instructed to see what it would cost to have this done.
5. The financial statement was given by the treasurer and found to be satisfactory.
6. The secretary and assistant secretary and treasurer were re-elected en bloc.
7. The extra land was brought up for discussion and it was decided to leave it for the time because it was now in the hands of new developers and it was understood that planning was now been given for work to start in the field adjoining the cemetery.
8. It was proposed and agreed that the inside and outside of the chapel windows be painted, the walls had already been whitewashed.


Trustee Minute

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