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Trustee minutes

Trustee minutes for: 20.5.2011

The Annual Meeting of the Trustees held on Wednesday, 20 April 2011 at 7:30 PM

All current Trustees Messrs H Stacey, P Stacey, S Kelly and Mrs D Watson were present.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and signed as correct.
The financial report was given:- income £1159.00, expenditure £1631.50, the current balance of funds is £1550.07.
As expenditure consists solely of insurance at £621.50 and grass cutting, it was decided that these costs must be managed more efficiently, Henry Stacey will speak to the grass cutters with a view to reducing the number of cuts per annum, and Derris Watson will seek alternative quotes for public liability insurance. It was also agreed to write to St Cleer Parish Council to ask for additional help and possibly an increase in the annual support funding. Sean Kelly offered to produce a brochure for the cemetery, to be distributed to local undertakers to remind them of the facilities available. We shall also during the coming year seek opportunities to gain additional income. It was decided not to increase fees any further as they are now comparable to those in the church cemetery.
It was resolved that the signatories on our bank account should be Henry Stacey, Derris Watson and Sean Kelly. Derris Watson to liaise with the bank to arrange this.

The meeting closed at 8:45 PM


Trustee Minute

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