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Trustee minutes

Trustee minutes for: 22-5-2014

Minutes from Annual General Meeting22nd May 2013 6:00pm held in the Chapel

Present: Derris Watson (DW) Chair / Treasurer, Sean Kelly (SRK) Secretary, Paul Stacey (PS) Trustee, Iain Rowe (IR) and Mike Chorlton (MC)

Apologies: None as all trustees were present

Secretary: SRK asked whether someone else would take the minutes of meetings etc. he stated he was happy to continue with the work of siting of graves etc. DRW agreed to be Minute Secretary

Minutes of Meetings:
23rd May 2013 held in the Chapel were agreed
30th October 2013 held in Higher Tremar were agreed

Matters Arising: Vegetation clearance has yet to be done and is now urgent as is the question of the duplicated plot.
Financial Report:

Income £3378

Includes £2057 legacy and collection, £60 donation from A Kendall from book royalties, £20 from Camelford OCS following their visit.

Expenditure £1328.47 Insurance and Grass
Balance £6329.24

1.Grass Cutting Udys fees this year are the same as last year major cuts (including first cut) £200.Intermediate cuts would cost £150 each. Last year we had 1 major and 4 Intermediate. It was agreed that this was the minimum requirement and that it might be necessary to have a fifth
2.Trees Calum only managed to do half the hedge and was paid for this by CHAHP. He has stated that he will complete this work FOC as he was unable to complete it due to personal circumstances in the CHAHP timescale.
3.We will look at the trees along the boundary to see if further work needs doing

Insurance:There is a proposed increase of £20 in the premium making a total of £548.08. This was agreed unanimously
Burial Charges 2014-15: It was agreed unanimously that these would be held for one year.

Any other business: the Cornwall Records Office would have liked to hold our records for safe keeping but trustees felt that they should remain with us. It was decided that Linkinhorne History Group be asked to digitize them and for them then to be stored in the fire-proof safe at H G Stacey.
The meeting ended at 6.45 pm


Trustee Minute

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