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Trustee minutes

Trustee minutes for: 13-06-2018

Minutes of the meeting of the Trustees held on 13th June 2018 at 4.20 in the Cemetery Chapel

Present D Watson, S Kelly, P Stacey, M Chorlton

Apologies were received from I Rowe

Minutes of the meeting on 16th June 2017 were agreed

Finance report The balance at the bank is £6292.59. The Bank Statement with explanatiory notes was circulated and agreed. The balance is only £100 less than last year.

Registration of Cemetery at Land Registry. This is progressing but slowly. Paul Stacey reported that he has a letter to write to the solicitors, which he will complete shortly.

It was agreed to write a further letter to Mr Bunyard requesting the access code to the electronic gate to enable us to exercise our right of vehicular access.

Grass Cutting The Burial ground is looking very much in need of a thorough tidying . It was agreed to seek a contractor to cut the hazel on the hedges and another to level and seed the extension.

Cemetery Gates D Watson will continue to seek funding for the work required.

Burial Fees It was unanimously agreed to keep the fees at the same level as previous years, but trustees felt that it might well be necessary to raise them next year.

Any Other Business Sean Kelly reported that he had removed the dustbins from the entrance some time ago and that people were now taking there dead flowers etc away with them. He had removed the bins as people were using them to dispose of dog waste . The trustees agreed that as there had been no increase in litter it was better to not replace the bins.

The meeting closed at 5pm


Trustee Minute

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