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Trustee minutes

Trustee minutes for: 16-10-1899

Trustee Meeting held in the that Wesleyan Schoolroom Tremarcombe on October 16th, 1899

1. That Mr F. Dawe preside over the meeting
2. That the same treasurer and secretary be re-appointed
3. That John Stephens represent the Wesleyans at Crows Nest
4. That Mr E. Hicks represent the Free Wesleyans at Tremarcombe.
5. That the same working committee be reappointed.
6. That grass in cemetery be cut during the year.
7. That secretary's salary be raised to 30 shillings per year.
8. That the cutting of grass in cemetery be left in power of the working committee.
9. That each society in future appoint their own committee


Trustee Minute

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