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Trustee minutes

Trustee minutes for: 2-11-1908

Trustee Meeting held in the St Cleer Council Schoolroom on Monday, November 2, 1908

Present : Messrs F. Dawe, C Kellow, A J Phillips, J. Stanaway, W. H. Olliver, EHicks, J. Stephens, J. Higgins, J. Mitchell, W. Daniel and L. Skentlebery
1. That Mr Dawe be chairman
2. That Mr Skentlebery be re-elected secretary.
3. That Mr J. Stephens be re-elected treasurer.
4. That Messrs Dawe, Williams and Stephens form the working committee.
5. That the fence between the cemetery and field be taken down, and that the working committee be authorised to sell the same
6. That the secretary write Mr Glubb giving notice of an appeal against the rating of the cemetery at the next meeting of the assessment committee.
7. That the Parish be canvassed by a dozen canvassers with the object of paying off the debt on the cemetery.
8. That the following persons be appointed canvassers
i. J. Stanaway
ii. L Skentlebery
iii. J. Higgins.
iv. W. Daniel.
v. C. Kellow
vi. J. Stephens.
vii. F. Williams.
viii. A J. Cock.
ix. WJG Harris.
x. F. Dawe.
xi. J. Heard.
xii. WH Olliver
9. That Mr Cowling's salary be raised to one pound per annum


Trustee Minute

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